Thursday, December 10, 2015

Failure Is Not An Option

"For with God nothing will be impossible." - Luke 1:37

It is a difficult thing, this idea of being a minister of the gospel. I'm not going to lie, I've been persecuted, called names, attacked spiritually and physically, had things said about my family, and been shut out. Don't get me wrong, I've been blessed beyond measure and if nothing good ever came to me in this world, I have salvation through Jesus' shed blood on the cross of Calvary, so I am blessed! But this idea of serving in ministry has had rough roads! 

What I have had to remember is it is not about me, my name, or my honor! I have had to get me out of the way so that God can be glorified! I have failed miserably at times but the grace extended to me through Christ is exceedingly, abundantly more than I could ever ask for. It is completely IMPOSSIBLE for me to succeed on my own. I am mud, a jar of clay, that God has called out. That calling is the key to all success. God called me, to use me, for His glory and His fame! Therefore, I have to get out of the way and let God have complete control. With me, it is IMPOSSIBLE to accomplish any of the goals laid before me. 

BUT WITH GOD... Not me, because I am fallible, not any other name, but at the name of Jesus... Mountains will move, walls will crumble, chains will fall away, and healing takes place! WITH GOD, NOTHING WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE!

Change your course! Stop looking for ways to make a name for yourself! Start looking for ways to put the cross in front of you! Stop looking for ways to promote how great you are and start singing How Great God Is! When you do this, opportunities to serve will arise by divine appointment! You will point others to the cross of Jesus and never take credit for the work done because you now realize it is the blood of Jesus and not your own blood! He took your place! Serve Him gladly with a joyful heart because you cannot fail if your serve sincerely focused on Christ! Fear no challenge, because you know without a doubt that with God, nothing will be impossible!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me

 In this modern day and age, people wear cross pendants, get cross tattoos, and use cross artwork as a show of faith. In Jesus’ day, the cross had an all too different meaning. The cross, or crucifix, was a symbol of torture, punishment, and even death. The Greeks did not like the practice of crucifixion, however there were a few documented crucifixions around 479 BC, in the midst of Greek rule. The Romans rather indulged in such behavior. On the outskirts of town would be crosses holding the bodies of thieves and criminals, shown like a billboard to deter rebelliousness and criminal activity from the city. A bloody beating would take place until unrecognizable, then large nails would be driven through the wrists and ankle area to allow great pain as the person suffered and died from suffocation, heart failure, or bleed out. Those criminals who were crucified typically deserved their punishment because they had done something so egregious.

Keep this image in mind when reading Matthew 16:24, as the disciples listen in closely about what they would need to do to truly follow after the Christ. With anticipation, they lean in to hear His voice reveal what was necessary. “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” The faces of his disciples are now facing the ground. Many are in shock as the image of the bloody, gory mess outside of the city comes to mind. Many get up and leave, never to follow Him again. The ones that stayed were still in shock.

Before we can even look at the cross in this biblical context, look at Jesus’ very first word… “IF”.

Go to a theme park and you will find some massive rollercoasters. They are for the thrill seekers, the ones who like the tilts, spins, loops, and mostly the speed. To ride these rides costs a price and a sacrifice of time and effort to stand in the line. It is long and boring, but once the ride happens, you are glad you did! “IF” you want the ride, you must do these things. For so many, they look at Christianity and say they would like the benefits of it. It looks beautiful and is appealing in the end, However, the cost is too high. So they do not fully follow, but are on the outskirts of the group. Maybe they listen when Jesus passes by, but it is too much to give everything and follow Him. Jesus says “IF” you want this adventure of following after Him, you MUST deny yourself, or your nature which is sinful and selfish. You must take up your cross, which is to bear the coming crucifixion and the name of Christ to the point of even death and follow Jesus to the ends of the world.

The human nature is a hungry beast that we feed to keep quiet. When we deny those things, that beast within starves. The weaker that beast gets, the more focused on Christ we can be. So what does it mean to deny ourselves? It means to stop giving into the things in life that stimulate the sinful nature. It means to let go of the desire to control others, or to have more than they do. It means to let go of the pop culture imagery that draws us in to feeding those impulses. It means to stop listening to music that makes selfish ambitions seem like a normal and natural thing. It means you must break away from those people and relationships that drag you down and defeat you. Stop gossiping, criticizing, cursing, lying, stealing, and acting selfish in any way, form, or fashion! 

So you deny yourself of those things, now you ask, “What’s Left?” For many people who live unhealthy lives, they do not realize it until they diet and exercise and finally see how good they really can feel. It is not an easy turn, but one they set their mind on and choose to do. It is difficult, but spiritually we need to do the same thing! Saying no is sometimes hard to do when we consider the person asking is a friend. Still, we must do what is best and say “no” to ourselves in our sinful natures. Then, we must say “no” to the external things in life that cause harm or harmful results. We must learn to say “yes” to Jesus Christ and the life He calls for us to live by faith. 

Think about this, the Roman Empire saw the cross as a huge form of punishment and destruction, reserved for the most evil of criminals. Here we are nearly 2,000 years after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The idea of “take up your cross” must have been crazy talk for the disciples to hear, as they did not know what lie ahead. Jesus knew what was coming. In the garden he prayed to let this bitter cup, this horrible act of brutality, pass from Him, but if it was  the Father’s will, then so be it.

That is what it means for us today. No matter what happens, no matter what it calls for, we are to obey God at all costs whatever He may ask of us. It is a humbling and beautiful act of submission to the calling of “follow me” given to us by the Savior. It is not a partial surrender, but a total submission to His will and His ways. It would be awkward to sing on Sunday mornings “I Surrender Some”. Christ is calling us to spiritually die to ourselves and in that death, truly live for Him. Don’t say it is too difficult. Phil. 4:13 tells us that we can do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength. So begin right now.


Areas of my life I need to let go of and nail to the cross… 

Areas of my life God is calling me to be obedient to Him with...

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Reach the World

The Bible tells us in Matthew 28 to reach out to the ends of the earth... AND I WANT TO! I want to reach out to the ends of the earth! I want to minister to people I have never met before, as well as people right down the street. If you have read any of my blogs, please e-mail me at Let me know what you think, introduce yourself/where you are in the world, and let me know if there is some way I can pray for you. I am no one special, just a simple servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let me hear from YOU!

Pastor Jamie Lawrence

No Greater Love

I love ministry. It's that simple. I love ministry.

For me ministry happens between Sundays. It's that time of the week when you get to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty by being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. It's more than simple decisions to get a little here, or maybe give a little there. It's about pouring your heart out 100% until the last drop is poured out.

Think about what Christ has done for us. He died on the cross, pouring out his life that we might be saved. He went all in for us. He gave until it hurt, even unto death. The sad truth in many churches today is we give until it's comfortable. We give until it looks good. We give until our statistics are acceptable. There's just one question and it keeps coming back to me... As a Christian, knowing that one day you will stand face-to-face with your maker, what will you say to him when he asks you what you did for the least of these?

Did you follow his example and pour out your heart completely? Did you give as he gave all on the cross? We have our catchy slogans, but do we truly put God first, others second, and ourselves third? If we truly live in Christ, the cycle of discipleship and missions would be clear in every church, and something everyone in the church would be excited to be part of. More people would be saved and more people willing to be the hands and feet of Christ.

It's all about heart condition. Is the joy of the Lord so full in your heart that it overflows every time you open your Bible, or every time you tell someone the Gospel story, for every time you got your hands dirty in missions?

The big word here is love. Love is a verb, an action word. It is something you do. You love God, love others, then love self. This is what God has called us to... to love. It is active and not passive. I'm tired of passive church. It's time to be active, ready and willing to be the church! That means truly reading the Bible to understand it. That means working for the Lord to serve others who are in need physically, spiritually, or otherwise. That means sharing the good news of Jesus Christ unashamedly, whole-heartedly, and with a sincere conviction so that lives are impacted and changed for the cause of Christ!

Church, we are as much to blame for the condition the world is in as anyone. Once we accept our part in that, then it's time to do something about it. Live as if today was your last and you could almost see Jesus on the horizon! Then you will glorify God... Then you will see change in others' lives... Then you will find true fulfillment in your own life! No more living in the shadows, no longer shallow, and never again spiritually hollow! Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:13.

I love ministry... Because He first loved me!