I think a lot about the people who met Jesus in the days that He walked the face of this earth. I believe only a handful truly understood who He was and possibly looked upon Him with that distinction. This was the Son of God, the second part of the Trinity, the Word made flesh, walking among the people he helped create. Did they realize just who this was that spoke without hinderance of the government of the day? Did they see the heart of the man-God who acted without regret in the face of the religious hierarchy and led with a passion unmatched to this day? There were many nay-sayers in His day, many who didn't like Him and who said He wasn't who He claimed to be. There were those who were in attendance when He spoke and never truly listened. Some refused to listen because they didn't want to be told they were wrong. There were those following for the acclaim they would receive. Many wondered what they would receive for following, even what their status would be when He set up His kingdom. They didn't quite understand why He came, though several thought they had it all figured out. When He ascended, they finally saw and followed through with His commands of "go and tell."
I also think a lot about those who hear of Jesus today. There are only a handful who truly understand who He is and possibly look upon Him with this distinction. He is the Prince of Peace, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, and Savior of the world! Do we realize when He speaks, that His Word is absolute truth that even the government cannot shut down? Do the high and mighty religious leaders of today listen to His words and act as passionately as He did when His feet touched the dirty streets of Israel? There are many nay-sayers today who do not like Him or even believe He was who He said He was. There are those who attend church regularly, who hear the Word of God, but they never truly listen. Some do not want to be told they are wrong, therefore tune out. Some attend and even serve for the acclaim they receive. Some are wanting status within the kingdom of the church, but not the actual kingdom of God. Not only do they not truly grasp why He came to begin with, they also are not watching the eastern sky because in the depths of the heart and conscience, they don't expect Him to return. Some think they have it all figured out. When He returns they will finally see, and some will be really surprised where he tells them to go, but it will be too late to tell.
Our mission: serve Him whole-heartedly, believing with a faith that has one eye on the job at hand and the other on the clouds, watching and waiting. Until He returns be found faithfully sharing the Word of TRUTH and adding to the numbers of those for whom He will come to get. "Well done my good and faithful servant!"