Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Faithful Servant...

I think a lot about the people who met Jesus in the days that He walked the face of this earth. I believe only a handful truly understood who He was and possibly looked upon Him with that distinction. This was the Son of God, the second part of the Trinity, the Word made flesh, walking among the people he helped create. Did they realize just who this was that spoke without hinderance of the government of the day? Did they see the heart of the man-God who acted without regret in the face of the religious hierarchy and led with a passion unmatched to this day? There were many nay-sayers in His day, many who didn't like Him and who said He wasn't who He claimed to be. There were those who were in attendance when He spoke and never truly listened. Some refused to listen because they didn't want to be told they were wrong. There were those following for the acclaim they would receive. Many wondered what they would receive for following, even what their status would be when He set up His kingdom. They didn't quite understand why He came, though several thought they had it all figured out. When He ascended, they finally saw and followed through with His commands of "go and tell."
I also think a lot about those who hear of Jesus today. There are only a handful who truly understand who He is and possibly look upon Him with this distinction. He is the Prince of Peace, the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, and Savior of the world! Do we realize when He speaks, that His Word is absolute truth that even the government cannot shut down? Do the high and mighty religious leaders of today listen to His words and act as passionately as He did when His feet touched the dirty streets of Israel? There are many nay-sayers today who do not like Him or even believe He was who He said He was. There are those who attend church regularly, who hear the Word of God, but they never truly listen. Some do not want to be told they are wrong, therefore tune out. Some attend and even serve for the acclaim they receive. Some are wanting status within the kingdom of the church, but not the actual kingdom of God. Not only do they not truly grasp why He came to begin with, they also are not watching the eastern sky because in the depths of the heart and conscience, they don't expect Him to return. Some think they have it all figured out. When He returns they will finally see, and some will be really surprised where he tells them to go, but it will be too late to tell.
Our mission: serve Him whole-heartedly, believing with a faith that has one eye on the job at hand and the other on the clouds, watching and waiting. Until He returns be found faithfully sharing the Word of TRUTH and adding to the numbers of those for whom He will come to get. "Well done my good and faithful servant!"

Friday, June 3, 2011

But I'd Be Wrong (said with sarcasm!)

I just read an opinion article on “Five Words to Save the Church” by Ian Morgan Cron found on Foxnews.com. I felt compelled to leave a comment, but the random bantering of back and forth badgering of readers seemed a useless battle ground of outspoken people mistakenly thinking they were authorities on the subject. The article itself was quite exasperating and confused. My question is this:

When did the mainstream media feel that they needed to take “religion” into their own hands as authorities and become the demoralizing moral police of the universe?

The idea of this article is to keep down “public brawls” over differing opinions and theologies by using five little words at the end of every theological statement… “But I might be wrong.” If our goal in life was to “get along” or to have warm fuzzy moments in life, making sure we send each other Christmas… excuse me… HOLIDAY cards (because, I might be wrong… oh, sarcasm!), if this was our ultimate goal in the universe then I would say, “Cheerio! Way to go!” BUT, then I would definitely be WRONG!

The point I would like to make is that for me, it is not simply an opinion. I feel like I am an authority on the subject of Christianity. I feel like I have studied what I believe alongside what others believe and I feel very strongly that I believe the TRUTH over other practices and beliefs. I have listened and heard their cases. The evidence does not add up to a saving reality that is found in the works of the cross and sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Why is it that Christians are seen as this group of spiritual bullies? Is it based on radical groups such as those who picket soldier funerals and wave their HATE banners? I cannot speak for those people. I believe their convictions are strongly based on a misunderstanding of the scriptures and the work we as Christians are called to. True Christians do not beat up others religiously, but should be offering a life changing message of Jesus Christ. Once that person has heard the message of Jesus Christ, they are responsible for what they do with it: believe and accept it, making Christ the Lord and Savior of their life, repenting of all sins and being forgiven… or rejecting it and living according to their own life standard and choosing for themselves an eternity in hell at the close of this life. Christians do not condemn others to hell, it is not our place. Those who reject the gospel condemn themselves to hell by their personal choice.

Even within the Christian faith, I have found my beliefs align with a certain denomination that I think is the closest to being right on with the teachings and ways of Jesus Christ. As far as getting along across denominational lines, explain to me exactly what denominations are Christian. You see, there are those who believe they belong to a Christian denomination or group, but in actuality they are nowhere near the faith. As for the denominations that are Christian, the main differences are usually miniscule. We make a mountain out of a mole hill by nit picking many things. I am the denomination I am because my beliefs align most closely with it. I went through a time of searching to truly see if this is where I belong and feel confident that this is it. As long as the main focus of different denominations is spreading the gospel, seeing lives changed because of the gospel, and accepting the work of the cross, they should be able to co-exist and even minister together on occasions without very much distraction.

Christianity is not the local bully. I can NOT in any good conscience ever say I might be wrong within a belief that stands to be the truth, the way, and the life! This is deconstructionism at its best. The main stream media has become very good at trying to numb society when it comes to religion. The “Why can’t we just all get along?” idea is not an option on the idea of dumbing down beliefs and rounding off the edges so we can all sing Kumbaya and hold hands around the earth. That is not a realistic way of thinking. Though Christianity has similar orientation to Judaism and some with Islam, Christianity and Islam are will not agree on anything in religion except the fact that they won’t agree. I have friends that are Islamic. We laugh and get along fine. We do not agree on religion and know where each other stand on that, but does that mean that we cannot get along? I have a strong Christian stance, yet my Islamic friend is just that… a friend. He has no influence on me or my family spiritually, except that we pray for him as we do for many people.

Compassionate, caring Christian people can make a difference in the world, and can be that without losing their convictions on the gospel and stand for the truth. My message to the mass media… you have a great outlet for positive change in the world, yet it seems that majority of the messages received are biased, negative, and often show no real depth of knowledge about religion except for stereotypes and hear say. Please, step up your game in this area and be the upstanding citizens who also show no prejudice towards religious groups and stop dumping all Christian groups together with the radical Christian groups. We are not the same. Finally, mass media, find out from authorities within the church who are worth talking to when interviewing people. There are so many well studied, well spoken pastors and professors within our Christian walk who would be glad to shed light on any topic for discussion with anyone across the table.

This is our faith, not our opinion. Get it right, please.